Every organization that manages a business or commercial property is required by law to protect everyone in, within or visit of the business facility, from the threat of fire as much as possible. This can be achieved by assessing the risks and hazards in the facility and its environment, and installing the appropriate fire safety measures or equipment. Some of these fire safety equipment may include fire alarms, emergency lighting, smoke detectors and fire sprinklers. REGTEC SERVICES specializes in these products and is well able to supply bulk quantities on your request. Let us help you protect your business from the threat of fire.

A smoke detector is an electronic fire protection device. Its function is to automatically sense the presence of smoke, as a key indication of fire, and sound a warning alarm to the occupants of the building.
The smoke alarm is considered to be one of the best and least expensive method of providing an early warning of a potential deadly fire that is about to occur. This function reduces almost all the risk of fatality from a fire in the home or office.

A fire alarm system is an entire system that comprises circuits and components designed to annunciate and monitor the ongoing status of fire alarm and other supervisory signal-initiating devices. A fire alarm system is very important for every organization as it protects lives and properties, alert building occupants of a fire danger, facilitate prompt and safe evacuation and achieve timely responses to emergencies.

A fire sprinkler system are a network of fixed water pipes supplied by two water sources with sprinklers heads that are fitted at some distance apart. These automatic fire sprinkler systems are the most used fire protection systems in the world. Fire sprinkler heads can be placed in enclosed roof spaces and into floor ducts to protect areas where s fire can start without being noticed. For the utmost safety of properties and assets when no one is in the building, fire sprinkler system is most effective.